TMJ Specialist Caulfield

TMJ Specialist Caulfield

Specialising in pain conditions related to the head, neck and jaw, the experienced team with a specialized TMJ focus at Melbourne TMJ & Facial Pain Centre provide expert assistance from their highly regarded clinic in Caulfield North. From bruxism to snoring, jaw pain, sleep apnoea and teeth clenching, our experienced Caulfield based clinicians provide thorough assessments and effective treatments.

Conditions that fall under the spectrum of Temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ) require specialist diagnosis and treatment. If you are suffering from face pain, ear symptoms, jaw pain, clicking, locking, headaches or serious sleep disruption, then don’t delay contact our clinic on 03 9824 8868 as soon as possible.

Don’t Delay! Call our friendly reception team NOW on 03 9824 8868 and book in a consultation with our experienced therapy team or go ahead and book an appointment online.

Specialist Bruxism Treatment in Caulfield

Have you noticed your jaw being stiff or tender in the morning? Do you wake with headaches? You may be clenching or grinding your teeth during sleep. Our specialized clinic provides specialist bruxism treatment right here in Caulfield. With a focus on relief for secondary bruxism, the experienced team at Melbourne TMJ & Facial Pain Centre will create a personalised treatment plan to relive the associated symptoms and address teeth clenching or grinding causes at the source.

If you are suffering from face pain or headaches near Caulfield, don’t delay. Please call and speak to our friendly reception team at our clinic today on 03 9824 8868 who will help you set up an appropriate appointment so you can make the effects of bruxism a thing of the past.

Sleep Apnoea Treatment – Caufield Clients Welcome

Located in Balaclava Rd, Caulfield North, The Melbourne TMJ and Facial Pain Centre offer personalised treatment plans for sleep apnoea conditions of varying severity. If you do not have a current diagnosis, our specialists can assist you with a detailed assessment and further investigation to help determine whether you suffer from sleep apnoea or common snoring.

Once a diagnosis is confirmed, you can then begin a course of specilaised sleep apnoea treatment. For Caulfield based appointments, please follow the following link to make a booking or call our friendly reception team on 03 9824 8868

Get Effective Snoring Treatment in Caufield

While snoring is common in the Australian population, many of our patients achieve excellent results through tailored treatment directed at addressing the root cause of your snoring or airway related issue. Frequent snoring is not only disruptive for your loved ones, but it can also lead to headaches, fatigue, weight gain and other more serious medical conditions like diabetes and heart disease. It is therefore vital that you seek a professional diagnosis and start getting back onto the path of more restful sleep and better health.

Make an appointment for snoring treatment in Caulfield today. Don’t Delay! Call our friendly reception team NOW on 03 9824 8868 and book in a consultation with our experienced therapy team or go ahead and book an appointment online.

Access a Specialist For Jaw Pain in Caufield

Jaw pain, clicking, stiffness and locking are generally the direct result of a Temporomandibular Disorder (TMD). Regardless of the specific issue, jaw pain of any kind is a debilitating ailment that causes serious daily discomfort. If you need a jaw pain consultation, our highly regarded clinic Melbourne TMJ & Facial Pain Center, located in Balaclava Rd, Caulfield caters to patients of all ages who suffer from TMD related symptoms.

NOTE: If your jaw is locked (and you can only fit max 2 fingers between top and bottom teeth) then it is essential to be seen ASAP so we can help unlock your jaw. We will fit you in as a priority so mention this when you call us on 03 9824 8868

Get Help for Jaw Stiffness & Jaw Clicking in Caulfield

Are you searching for effective relief for jaw stiffness near Caulfield? The Melbourne TMJ & Facial Pain Centre provides personalised treatment plans to quickly relieve your symptoms and help address the underlying cause. Our experienced clinicians can both diagnose and identify the root cause of any stiffness, clicking, locking or general jaw pain.

We also offer specialised treatment for jaw clicking right here in Caulfield. You don’t need to suffer unnecessarily! Call our friendly reception team NOW on 03 9824 8868 and book in a consultation with our experienced therapy team or go ahead and book an appointment online.

Access Effective Earache Treatments – Caulfield Appointments Available

If you require professional earache treatment near Caulfield, our dedicated clinicians are here to assist. With extensive expertise in a range of facial pain conditions, TMD and TMJ conditions, we can determine the root cause of your issue and begin a pathway to effective relief. Trusted by many referring GP’s and ENT’s our experienced team can help you too.

We offer both online TeleHealth consultations and face-to-face appointments. This includes consultation for bruxism, jaw pain, snoring, sleep apnoea and face and ear pain. For a Caulfield based TMJ Specialist, call 03 9824 8868 today.