Understand Your Snoring, Sleep Apnoea or Teeth Grinding Symptoms
Why you should 'lose sleep' over poor sleep?
Sleep is the body’s natural rest cycle. The recommended hours of sleep for an adult are 6-8 hours, whereas children can require 8-10 hours (11-14hours for infants). Sleep occurs in repeating periods, alternating between two distinct stages…
What is sleep apnoea and why is it dangerous?
Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA) is a medical condition resulting usually due to a physical blockage of the airway. Apnoea is defined as not breathing for 10 seconds or more. Each apnoea episode can last anywhere from…
Link between poor sleep and TMJ & Facial pain
A study from 2013 looking at over 4,000 patients found a “significant association between Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA) symptoms and Temporomandibular Disorder (TMD).” A separate 2009 study found that roughly 75% of patients with OSA have chronic pain related to TMD.
What is snoring and why we should fix it?
Snoring is not normal in anyone. Snoring is usually due to an obstruction of the airway in either the nose or throat. As the body attempts to move air past this obstruction, the tissues vibrate against each other, producing the snoring sound.
Why do we grind our teeth?
Teeth grinding (medically called Bruxism), is involuntary jaw movement resulting in forceful contact between the upper and lower teeth. It can sometimes create a grinding sound. Clenching is gritting of the teeth for a sustained period of time.